Wood logs:

Hardwood logs
European beech (Fagus sylvatica) grows almost in the whole of Europe with slight latitudes, in higher positions is also
 widespread in southern Europe. It is the most common commercial hardwood in Slovakia. In the world, Slovakian
 beech is very popular.

The most common use is in the furniture industry ( furniture, plywood, solid panels, parquet, bent chairs, etc. )
export  parameters of logs
saw grade logs : length 2,5m+, diam. 25cm+
veneer grade logs : length 2,7m+, diam. 40cm+ 

European sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) is large tree with wide leaves. Our offered sycamore comes from the
Carpathian region (Slovakia, Poland). Highly demanded is also for atypical sycamore for the production of musical

instruments and decorative veneer designs, called figured ( flamed ) sycamore and bird eye maple.

export parameters of logs
saw grade logs : length 2,5m+, diam. 25cm+
veneer grade logs : length 2,7m+, diam. 40cm+

European ash ( Fraxinus excelsior ) is a deciduous tree of the Oleaceae family. it is common hardwood specie with a distinctive drawing, used in the furniture industry.

export parameters of logs
saw grade logs : length 2,5m+, diam. 25cm+
veneer grade logs : length 2,7m+, diam. 40cm+

Softwood logs
European spruce (Picea abies) (Picea abies) is a coniferous tree of the Pinaceae family. It is the most widespread 

tree in Slovakia and a major economic specie.

export parameters of logs
lenght 11-11,5m
diameter on small end 20cm+
quality grade : ABC + calamity logs